Public Search

Welcome to the Public Search. This section allows you to view all filed financial disclosure reports and statement of organizations (if applicable) for Candidates, Political Action Committees, Political Issues Committees, Political Parties, Corporations, Electioneers, Labor Organizations, and Independent Expenditures.

To use the Search by Name feature: type the name of the entity, wait for the pop-up list, select the name, and click "Go To Public View."

To Search by Name for a candidate or officeholder: type their last name, type a comma, type their first name, select the name, and click "Go To Public View."

Search All Entities - Basic

For more search options, click the 'Advanced Search' tab to the left.

Please visit the following links to view reports for:
- County and city candidates:
- Federal candidates (e.g., Congress):
- Lobbyist reports:
- Lobbyists by organization:

To search financial disclosure reports for city and county disclosures use the following link:

As of May 12, 2015, corporations are not required to report expenditures made to an entity that is required to report on this website (e.g., a corporation is not required to report an expenditure made to a legislative candidate because legislative candidates are required to file reports with the Lieutenant Governor's Office).

Please visit the following links to view reports for:
- County and city candidates:
- Federal candidates (e.g., Congress):
- Lobbyist reports:
- Lobbyists by organization: